Trezor® Hardware* Wallet® - Getting Started

The official wallet - Trezor® Hardware® Wallet® GitBook. An update for Trezor Suite (version 22.9.3) is now ready to install. To download and apply …

Trezor® hardware wallets provide a feature called "hidden wallets" or "hidden accounts," which adds an extra layer of security by allowing users to create multiple wallets on the same device, with some wallets hidden from plain view. Here’s how this feature works and how you can use it effectively:

Setting Up Hidden Wallets

  1. Accessing Trezor Suite or

    • Connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer and access Trezor Suite through your web browser (such as Chrome). Alternatively, you can use for initial setup and management.

  2. Creating Hidden Wallets:

    • In Trezor Suite or, navigate to the "Wallets" or "Accounts" section.

    • Choose to add a new wallet/account. During the setup process, you'll have the option to create a "hidden wallet" or "hidden account."

  3. Setting Up Hidden Wallets:

    • Follow the prompts to set up the hidden wallet/account. You may need to enter a separate passphrase (sometimes referred to as a "25th word" or "hidden wallet passphrase") in addition to your main PIN code. This passphrase encrypts the hidden wallet’s private keys separately from your main wallet, providing additional security.

Using Hidden Wallets

  1. Accessing Hidden Wallets:

    • Hidden wallets are not immediately visible when you access your Trezor device. To access a hidden wallet:

      • Connect your Trezor device to your computer and enter your PIN.

      • In Trezor Suite or, navigate to the wallet/accounts section and choose to "Show hidden wallets" or a similar option.

      • Enter the passphrase associated with the hidden wallet when prompted.

  2. Security Benefits:

    • Privacy: Hidden wallets provide an added layer of privacy. Even if someone gains access to your device, they would need both your PIN and the passphrase to access the hidden wallets.

    • Additional Security: If you are concerned about physical coercion (e.g., being forced to reveal access), you can enter a plausible but not actual passphrase to reveal a hidden wallet with limited funds, preserving your primary assets.


  1. Remembering Passphrases:

    • Since the passphrase is not stored anywhere and is not recoverable, it's crucial to remember it accurately. Losing the passphrase means losing access to the hidden wallet.

  2. Practice Security: Always keep your Trezor device and passphrase(s) secure. Store your recovery seed phrase (from the main wallet) and passphrase(s) in separate, secure locations.

By utilizing the hidden wallet feature on your Trezor hardware wallet, you can enhance the security and privacy of your cryptocurrency holdings, ensuring that your digital assets remain safe even in the event of physical theft or unauthorized access to your device.

Last updated